

The Group's Sustainability Journey

Screenshot Group Sustainability Journey


Dear Valued Stakeholders,

I am delighted to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the pursuit of ‘Growth with Sustainability’ in the year 2023. We have continuously enhanced our workforce and operational capabilities, aligning them with strategic business decisions and expansion plans. Our dedication to Economic, Environmental, Social & Governance (“EESG”) considerations remains steadfast, guiding us as we evaluate the effectiveness and impacts on value creation.

Considering the dynamic business landscape, sustainability is not merely an ethical choice; it is a strategic imperative. We firmly believe that strategic diversification and sustainability align with the idea of creating long-term value. Diversification contributes to building a resilient and adaptable business, while sustainability ensures growth without compromising future environmental and social well-being.

In response to this imperative, we actively orient the Group towards sustainable economic growth and automotive excellence through strategic investment in our subsidiaries (with GAC AION Y Plus and eAumark aligning with the EV trend). This is a pivotal step in our dedication to EESG considerations and will be an ongoing initiative that underscores
our commitment to adapting to challenges and seizing opportunities with resilience and foresight.

As we move forward, we acknowledge the substantial efforts and resources required for sustainable practices. By actively collaborating with you, our valued stakeholders, we are committed to incorporating your expectations and concerns into our ever-evolving business strategies.

Our aspirations remain to CREATE a viable future, and we will continue to take concrete actions in the following focus

    C Contribute to Community Progress and Prosperity
    R Reduce Environmental Impacts and Carbon Footprint
    E Embrace Circular Economy
    A Adopt Good Governance
    T Thrive on Resilient Business Model and Innovation
    E Empower Employees in the Workplace

I am optimistic and excited about the prospects that await us on this sustainability journey. With your collective support and our collaborative efforts, we are poised to achieve ‘Growth with Sustainability’.

Thank you for your continued trust in Warisan TC Holdings Berhad (“WTCH”). We eagerly anticipate sharing more about our sustainability journey with you in the future.



Empowering a Future-Ready Culture and Embrace Forward Thinking Today

WWorkforceSkilled, Competent and Dynamic
AAccountabilityBusiness Ethics and Code of Conduct
IIntegrated-ThinkingBusiness Models
SSustainabilityIntegrate into every aspect of the business
AAssess Risks and OpportunitiesSystematic Risk Management
TTechnology-Led and DrivenDigitalisation, Electrification, Automation and Innovation
CCommunicationTransparent, Consistent and Clarity

We are committed to achieve ’Growth with Sustainability‘ goal and have established a set of principles using the letters WARISAN TC to guide us on our sustainability journey.

W is for our Workforce, which we envision as Skilled, Competent and Dynamic. We recognise that our employees are a valuable asset and are committed to empowering them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a sustainable future.

A is for Accountability, where we uphold Business Ethics and Code of Conduct. We believe in ethical and responsible behaviour and are accountable for our actions.

R is for Robust Governance, where we ensure that our governance framework is strong, effective, fair and transparent.

I is for Integrated-Thinking, where we adopt innovative and sustainable Business Models. Integrated-Thinking will be an important aspect of our business models, using a holistic approach that considers all aspects of the business and its impact on the environment and society.

S is for Sustainability, which we aim to integrate into every aspect of our business and be an integral part of our decision- making process and operations.

A is for Assess Risks and Opportunities, where we adopt a systematic Risk Management approach. We believe that identifying and mitigating risks and opportunities associated with sustainability is crucial in achieving our sustainability goals.

N is for Nimble Leadership, which is crucial to thrive in today‘s fast-paced business world and to succeed in a sustainable future.

T is for Technology-Led and Driven, where we embrace Digitalisation, Electrification, Automation and Innovation to ensure our competitiveness and meet the needs of our customers.

C is for Communication, we recognise that transparency and clear communication are vital in building trust and fostering strong relationships that are crucial for success.